Holly Foy

Detox & Rejuvenate Your Body
Back To Health
In this virtual retreat webinar you will learn the secret to creating
vibrant health & wellness for life!
Do you have any health conditions, autoimmune disorders, inflammation, chronic fatigue? Are you searching for the answers to your health problems but not getting anywhere? Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired all the time!? Well how about feeling fabulous! How about being so healthy that you can't even get sick.
If you would like to learn how to cleanse & rejuvenate your body back to health with nourishing, life-giving, vibrantly healthy foods then this webinar is for you!
Do you have any of these? Then this webinar is for you!
Would you like to have vibrant health & wellness for life and improve or even eliminate your health conditions?
It's been proven over & over again that people that have detoxed & rejuvenated their body with nourishing, vibrantly healthy, life-giving foods have reported having the following/ or even eliminating their health conditions totally:
This is a transformational Virtual Retreat Webinar and you will learn all the exact steps you need to cleanse, detoxify, rejuvenate & transform your health from being sick & exhausted to vibrant health. You will have instant access to 4 modules that teach you everything you need to know to do a detox cleanse, and will receive weekly meal plans with daily recipes, including all recipes for the 7 day & 14 day detox cleanses. These include mouthwatering delicious meal plans and recipes that are fun and easy to make. This is not a fast but a rejuvenating detox cleanse, and you will not go hungry! Your body will be supported with lots of delicious, vibrant, nourishing raw foods and juices that encourage your body to detoxify while flooding your cells with vital life-giving nutrients.
This is a Virtual Webinar that you can do from the comfort of your own home at your own pace.
You will receive EVERYTHING included in the Package you purchased ALL AT ONCE. You can go through the modules, watch the videos, use the downloads, and do the detox plans all at your own pace, whenever you want and however many times you want! You will have LIFETIME access to everything included in your package!
Package 1 Includes:
You Will Have Lifetime Access To:
4 Training Modules
A 7 Day Detox Plan
A 14 Day Detox Plan
Shopping Lists
Daily Meal Plans
Daily Recipes
A Pre- Detox Plan
A Post- Detox Plan
A Lifetime Maintenance Plan
Membership to a Private Facebook Group!
The 4 Modules Include
Package 1
Includes Lifetime Access To
A 7 Day Detox Plan and
14 Day Detox Plan and Will Include:
This detox package comes with instructions, meal plans and recipes for a 7 day detox plan and up to a 14 day detox plan. They include mouthwatering delicious daily meal plans and recipes that are fun and easy to make. Through the course of the 7 day & 14 day detox plans your body will be supported with delicious, vibrant, nourishing raw foods and juices that encourage your body to detoxify while flooding your cells with vital life-giving nutrients. These detox packages are not restrictive or hard and can be done with a juicer or a high speed blender if you don't have a juicer. Package 1 is a bigger step up from the Bootcamp and includes different meal plans & recipes. Where as the Bootcamp is good for someone just starting out with detoxing and cleansing their body, Package 1 is good for people that want to learn more about how they can create vibrant health & wellness for life, with detox plans and recipes supporting this.
Package 1 Includes:
You Will Have Lifetime Access To:
4 Training Modules
A Full 7 Day Detox Plan
A Full 14 Day Detox Plan
Shopping Lists
Daily Meal Plans
Daily Recipes
A Pre- Detox Plan
A Post- Detox Plan
A Lifetime Maintenance Plan
Membership to a Private Faceboook group

Module 1
How to create ultimate vibrant health
Detox & nutrition is the key
Introduction to what you're going to learn
Janice's story
How to do the detox plans
Module 2
Why we need to detox our body
Our bodies are not designed to handle toxins
Our bodies are designed to be healthy
How to return your body to it's natural healthy state of vibrant health
How to stay healthy for life

Module 3
What you need to know for your detox cleanse & how to do a detox cleanse the right way
Make a detox kit
Detox symptoms, what they are and how to manage them
How to help your body detox daily
Self care

Low Energy
Autoimmune Disorders
High or Low Blood Pressure
Heavy Metals
Low Thyroid
Adrenal Fatigue
Chronic Fatigue
Brain Fog
Health Conditions, Diseases
Or just want to have vibrant health!
More Energy
No More Brain Fog, Better Mental Clarity & Focus
Sleeping Better
Aching, Inflammation, Skin Problems & Other Symptoms Eliminated
Improved Immune System
Weigh Loss
Health Conditions & Illnesses Improved or Eliminated Totally
Vibrant Health & Abundant Energy
Feeling Vibrant & Alive In Every Cell Of Their Body
Feeling Healthy & Well in Body, Mind & Spirit
Feeling Fabulous!
Module 4
What to do after your detox
Help your body to detox on a daily basis
How to keep your body clean & healthy
Lifetime maintenance plan

A 7 Day Detox Plan
A 7 day detox meal plan
Daily meal plans & recipes to follow
Mouthwatering delicious easy to make recipes
7 days of delicious, vibrant, nourishing raw foods & juices!
A 14 Day Detox Plan
A 14 day detox meal plan
Daily meal plans & recipes to follow
Mouthwatering delicious easy to make recipes
14 days of delicious, vibrant, nourishing raw foods & juices!
Shopping Lists
Weekly shopping lists of what you need for your detox cleanse
Make ahead suggestions for the week
Weekly & Daily Meal Plans
Weekly meal plans for your 7 day & 14 day detox plans
Daily meal plans to follow
Daily Recipes
Daily mouth-watering delicious recipes to follow that are easy & fun to make
A Detox Kit
How to make a detox kit filled with things to help your body detox on a daily basis
Pre Detox Plan
A 7 day pre-detox plan to follow before you start your actual detox cleanse
A daily guide of foods to omit & foods to add over the course of 7 days before your detox cleanse
Helps your body to gently prepare for your detox cleanse
Post Detox Plan
A 7 day post detox plan to follow after your detox cleanse
A daily guide of foods to add back into your diet after your detox cleanse
This helps to gently transition your body off of your detox cleanse and back to your regular diet
Lifetime Maintenance Plan
A maintenance plan for how to keep your body detoxed, clean & healthy for life!
How to continue using your detox plans


Radiant, refreshed & energized!
Deeply nourished & reconnected with your body, mind & spirit
Equipped with the knowledge & skills to transform your health to radiant health & support your health long term
Nurtured & rejuvenated
Grateful for taking the time for your own wellness!
These are some of the transformations that clients have had in their health & their lives!
And You Can Too!
You CAN transform your health from sick & exhausted to vibrant health & radiant energy!
You rock ladies!!

"I am beyond grateful to Holly, not only for helping me to detox and clear chemicals from my body, but for sharing her vast knowledge, empowering and inspiring me every step of the way to live an organic chemical free lifestyle. She helped me to transform my health and my life from being sick and having such debilitating fatigue that some days I couldn't even get up off the couch, to the vibrant health and abundant energy that I am celebrating now everyday! I'm back to doing the things that I love in my life!"

"You have transformed my health from being so sick & exhausted that I couldn't work to such radiant health & vibrant energy that I am now running marathons & doing triathlons! Words can not express how grateful I am to you!"

Janice now
"I had severe burn out, SIBO & fibromyalgia, my body hurt so much I couldn't even hold my arms up. I now have my health back & have become a yoga & dance instructor
& sound healer!"
You will receive EVERYTHING included in Package 1 ALL AT ONCE. You can go through the modules, watch the videos, use the downloads, and do the detox plans all at your own pace, whenever you want and however many times you want! You will have LIFETIME access to everything included in your package!
Holly has been a medical intuitive & energy healer for 35 years and has helped tens of thousands of people to get healthy and stay healthy.