Holly Foy
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Holly was born being extremely intuitive, clairvoyant, clairaudient, empathic and with the natural ability to heal. She realised by the age of 5 that she could heal with her hands and was told by her Angels that she would use this ability later in her life to heal many people. She has been able to see and communicate with her Spirit Guides and Angels her whole life and has felt very grateful & blessed to have always had their guidance.
When she was 31 she had a serious condition that the doctors told her she needed immediate surgery for or she would die. She went home and prayed about it and kept getting the same answer, that she always knew she could heal with her hands and now it was time to start using that ability and that she was to heal herself. She did heal herself using only her natural healing ability and did not need the surgery. She then went on to use this healing ability on herself, her family, her pets and friends with astounding results. Later she had an ovarian tumour the size of a grapefruit that had also gone into one kidney that she healed herself in 2 weeks. After that she began to share her gifts on a broader scale and has gone on to heal thousands of people, children and pets, from newborn babies to the elderly, of all kinds of injuries and illnesses, from chronic, incurable, to even terminal.
She was born with her medical intuitive abilities also which became apparent at a young age. As a teenager she would get information from her Spirit guides and intuitively know what health problems or illness someone had, sometimes just sitting next to them. When she was 22, her medical intuitive abilities opened up even more allowing her to very accurately see into people's bodies and see all organs, systems, conditions, diseases, pathogens, etc. She saw in a total strangers body that the young woman had cancer throughout her body with but 3 months left to live. This information was confirmed as 100% accurate afterwards. Today she does medical intuitive readings on people all over the world helping them to detect what is causing their health challenges.
Holly has studied many different healing modalities for over 20 years and is a Reiki Master Teacher, certified in New Balance Clearing, the Holon Method, Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT), Spiritual Restructuring (SpR), Theta Healing Practitioner and Basic and Advance Theta Healing Teacher, Metaphysical Anatomy Level 2 Practitioner, as well as developing her own healing methods that her healing guides and Angels have channeled to her and taught her including Chakra Healing (similar to Barbara Brennan's method), Spirit Work and Past Life Healing Energetics. She has been an herbalist for 45 years and has made and sold herbal tinctures and remedies in her practice, and has a nursing background. She has a group of Angels that channel to her and have even channeled books to her about healing methods and knowledge that they wanted to implement and bring to the earth. She has dedicated her life to helping people with her abilities and has now started offering webinars to teach these same abilities to others.
"It is everyones birthright to develop these same abilities if they so choose. We would like to see this implemented and spread among the earth. We are here to tell you that it is possible."
The Angels